Marketers are constantly investing their energy and assets, to sort out the best solution for expanding the millennial market. Although twenty to thirty-year olds involve the most crucial segment of the population(75.3 million), targeting only this specific segment will neglect other important demographics. Numerous advertisers have begun to refocus their marketing strategies towards the high spending segment – senior citizens.
A marketing myth that first comes to mind while marketing to seniors, is that marketers have to increase the font size of texts and show senior’s pictures while advertising. Although this is a typical practice among numerous organizations, you can't conquer this segment with these components alone. It may be old school to you, but seniors prefer those advertisements that explain how a product/service will upgrade their life.
When marketing your product/service to a specific segment, you have to speak their language to connect with them better. As far as the senior’s marketing is concerned, avoid using teenage language, texting abbreviations(ROFL, LOL); instead, you can use a language they can relate with easily. So if you are making a joke utilizing web slang, your message will remain unclear, and your efforts too.
The moment when you personalize an encounter for somebody, they recall it for quite a while. Seniors are generally used to a personalized customer experience. It will be beneficial to ensure you inject some personalization into your advertisement practices. This can be done by having a live individual react to customer's queries with a straightforward call.
Individuals are usually connected to those ads or items that are highly familiar to them. Since seniors grew up getting advertisements and catalogues via offline mode, this channel makes more sense to advertise. That doesn't mean you can't use digital mode of advertising; rather in the case of seniors, you can utilize the traditional mode of advertising too.
A study by Statista shows that 84.1% of 65 and above aged individuals use emails to communicate. Email marketing is a successful method to build personalized connections. Consider making a weekly or monthly newsletter that shares more about what you're doing for clients. You can also include some data that addresses client’s queries and tackles pain points. To effectively target the right audience through emails, it is beneficial to purchase senior source lists.
Also, read our blog- Why Better data is essential for email marketing to know more about email marketing.
When you sell a product/service to somebody, it means that you are not selling them "the product". Rather the idea of how the item will help them. The company that can persuade people in the best way, always succeeds. The senior citizens don't need the same things a teenager does. However, that doesn't necessarily mean they don't need a similar product. You can sell a product to anyone as long as you can find out why they would need it.
A study by Martech Zone shows that almost 70% of individuals aged 65 or above spend around 27 hours online per day. Perhaps social media channels are one of the best modes for brands to create acknowledgement, and provide appropriate content to customers. You can utilize social media as an approach to scatter your blog or other content to a broader audience.
The next important thing to do is to track your results consistently. Tracking lets you know where you stand in the market and will also help you face the competition. A constant analysis will help in steady improvements, and will help in increasing your market share. Explore different strategies with advertising; including sponsored and boosted posts, to understand what works best for your targeted segment.
Seniors are interested in those items and administrations that will make their life easier now and then. Moreover, you must ensure they realize how your product/service will do that. By following these helpful tips, you’ll learn how effortless it is to arrive at your audience and hold them as long-term clients.
Most seniors use emails to communicate, and marketers can use this as an advantage by targeting their audience through emails.
You can send emails effectively by purchasing a senior source list. Read more about the Proven Strategies to Healthy Consumer Relationships with Seniors to get a better understanding of the senior segment.
To grow your business with us and get the most accurate updated senior citizen email list, peek through our site Senior Source List, and we will help you reach out to more seniors. Kindly speak with one of our marketing professionals, and contact us @ 1-800-882-9930.